
Student support hotline


Your personal safety is our number one priority.

What is 1800 QSTUDY?

1800 QSTUDY (1800 778 839) is a service that ensures you have consistent 24/7 support, including urgent after-hours service and a process for managing incidents.

To call the service from overseas, you must dial +61 1800 778 839.

This hotline helps to keep you safe and supported.

When can I call 1800 QSTUDY?

The hotline is available to you to use outside of school hours.

This means you can call 1800 QSTUDY (1800 778 839) before 9am and after 3pm on school days, and 24 hours during weekends, public holidays and school vacations.

How do I find out more about 1800 QSTUDY?

For more information read the 1800 QSTUDY brochure for international students (PDF, 2.1MB).

Find out more about the service by emailing or phoning 1800 316 540.


Who can use 1800 QSTUDY?

International students in all International School Program (ISP) schools can use the 1800 QSTUDY support service. Members of your family, your legal guardian, agent or other persons may also call the service regarding issues that concern you if they are listed as one of your authorised contacts. 

Your school will answer any questions you have about the student support hotline. If you are a new student, this will be part of your school orientation.

Different arrangements are in place for study tour students. Your chaperone will explain the support process that is available for you. For further information please phone us on +61 7 3513 5708 or email

Montage of student and 1800 QSTUDY support staff

Providing your feedback

We are always looking for ways to improve our student support hotline service. Please email feedback about your experience to

If you have a complaint about the service, please let us know. We manage complaints separately and in accordance with Department of Education's customer complaints management framework (CCMF) External link.

Hear what students think

Frequently asked questions

Last updated 14 May 2024