Tuition and non-tuition fees apply for our study programs. The fees vary depending on which program you choose and the duration of your study.
All fees must be paid in Australian dollars and are inclusive of goods and services tax (GST) if applicable.
We will not collect more than 50% of your total tuition fees for a course before the student has commenced the course; unless the relevant course is for less than 25 weeks or the student/payer elects to do so.
Non-tuition fees, such as Overseas Student Health Cover (if arranged by EQI) and homestay fees, may also be charged and are outlined below. Please refer to
student visa 500 (schools) tuition and non-tuition fees for a breakdown of what is and what is not included.
Schools may also charge tuition fees (for example, if a specialist program is requested) and some non-tuition fees for school uniforms, digital devices and non-curriculum activities. These costs will differ from school to school (refer to your proposed school’s website for details of fees charged by the school after arrival).
Tuition and non-tuition fees charged by EQI will be provided in your Statement of Fees attached to your enrolment agreement.
Sample costs of studying and living in Queensland examples are available at
information before you apply.
Choose 1 of the following options to jump to a specific program.
Primary school High school preparation High school International Baccalaureate Study abroad Non-tuition fees