Wenqing from China: Toowoomba is very chill, it's a peaceful place that you can relax yourself, you don't have to worry about so many things. My name is Wenqing, I come from China and I'm 17 years old. Toowoomba is like a cute little city, but it also has big super-duper shopping centres, and the cool cinemas. You can actually see kangaroos on the street, you can see koalas, you can see rabbits it's just amazing. I went to 'Picnic Point' and the Japanese Gardens with my friends. I think the Japanese Garden was very beautiful and there was so many flowers and when you look to the sky it's so blue and the clouds are so big everything is amazing, I think. I study in Centenary Heights (State) High School because the school has allowed me to learn so many subjects; English, Math and Science. I can also lean musical instruments, engineering skills, hospitality and drama. Darren Cook: Centenary Heights (State High School) is a wonderful place to study for international students, we've got an international program that has been existing in our school for many, many years. We've got the structures and processes at our school to support all international students and we have a strong history of doing this. Centenary Heights State High School is a wonderfully diverse place we have more than 60 nationalities at our school and 45 different languages spoken at our school. We have abroad range of subjects on offer for our students a culture of excellence and a wide range of expert teachers and fantastic facilities to support all young people to be at their very best. We are a welcoming place, we're kind, and we're friendly and we're a very safe place to come to. Kathleen Hannant: We have quite a sizeable number of students doing Agricultural Science, and sometimes that's something you don't necessarily get in a metropolitan school. At one of our local schools in Toowoomba we have a large agricultural plot, so students can have the opportunity to go out to that plot and be part of that subject area. Julie Lambert: Hi I'm Julie Lambert, I work at the University of Southern Queensland, or UniSQ, here in Toowoomba. The University of Southern Queensland has a number of agreements with local high schools to facilitate pathways into the University students that choose here at the university in Toowoomba will have access to a world recognised education, all being provided within a safe and inclusive environment. Wenqing from China: Toowoomba is a good place to practise your English, you don't have to worry about how to make friends because people are real friendly they will just talk to you Ð * where do you come from? * Are you new today? * Is it your first day? * Can we sit together? it's really nice and you don't have to worry about that.