Ben: I am Ben form Germany, I am seventeen years old and I am studying here at Chancellor (State College) in Year 11. I am currently taking part in the Soccer Excellence Program at Chancellor and we have three soccer lessons each week. We practice different skills like shooting, passing and dribbling, and we also play a lot of games to improve our team-play skills. Kyoshiro: I am Kyoshiro from Japan. I am in Year 10 doing the Soccer Program at Chancellor State College. I went to Brisbane to play in a tournament. I was playing soccer in Japan and if I compare this with Australian soccer, they have strong physical and shooting skills, so if you are playing with them it is good for your skill training. Ben: I played soccer in Germany and here I joined the futsal team because I didn’t play much futsal in Germany. I think my futsal skills have definitely improved because we practice a lot and the futsal court is much smaller so you have to play much faster. I would recommend studying in Queensland because it’s a really nice place and the beaches and the weather are really good. I would also recommend studying at Chancellor because there are lots of different sports programs available, and the help from the teachers is also really good.